
Why Sports Ministry?

75% of Americans watch, read about, or participate in sports once a week, & 98% do so once a month. If that is where the people are, if that is what the people are doing, it seems prudent for the church to determine how best to utilize that cultural interest for the sake of declaring Christ. We desire to connect with the community, share the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ, & encourage the Church through these interactions.

Men's Basketball League

January - March

High School & Men Open Gym

8:30PM - 10:00PM


COED Volleyball

April - May
(Recreation & Competitive League)

Disc Golf

Free to the Public
12-Hole Course on Campus

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament


Croston Classic Golf Outing

(Augusta, MI)

Adam Landkrohn

Pastor of Student Ministry and Discipleship

To get started or to learn more information, please contact me.

Email Me